Friday, August 30, 2013


I have generally noticed that most of the people who eat slowly are (relatively) skinny. There is a scientific reason behind that: It takes upto 20 minutes for the stomach to realize its full and send a signal to the brain telling you to stop shoving your pie hole.

On a side note, (most of) the Asians are skinny. 

I wonder if that is because culturally they always have (culturally) eaten with chopsticks, which only allows them to eat in small servings at a time. The amount of rice or meat you can eat with each iteration of a chopstick trip to your mouth is usually lesser than what you can shove with a fork or a spoon.

Did the Chopstick culture morph how a whole race looks as a whole?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pant Zippers

I just realized that for all these years I have been Zipping (and unzipping) my pants with my right hand even though I am left handed. Somehow it always felt like something "I could not do in my sleep", so something was always off.

I wonder if there is a market for 'left handed' zippers for pants. Or if there is a way to make zippers easily accessible from both sides. Like not having a flap on top of the zipper.

On a related note, even the men's boxers are for right handed men only!

Such discrimination!