Friday, November 2, 2012

eBook Signatures

Dear Diary,
Dear Blog,
I know I have missed you you have missed me. I have been really bad at thinking about ideas. Running has occupied every corner of my brain - so much so that everything I eat or drink, everything I schedule is around running. I will have to make room in my brain to think about new ideas.

Anyhooo.... this idea also actually came to me because of running. I bought an ebook (kindle version) called 'Eat & Run'.The author, a very famous name in Ultrarunning, Scott Jurek is coming to San Francisco for a lecture on ultrarunning. Ruchi and I are toying with the idea of going to the lecture. The event also has free book signing by Scott. I was feeling kinda left behind, as technically I have already bought his book, but he would not be able to sign it. He could 'technically' sign my kindle, but thats not the same as having an autographed book from the author.

So, my idea was - eSignatures for ebooks where author can sign his ebook on a touchscreen device. Once signed, as he is the author of the book, he can 'lock' the signature as text on the book - so that you can't really erase it - like an real ink signature on paper.

After doing some basic googling, turns out someone as a patent-pending on this idea. bummer. There is no product though for kindle (or other eBook formats) for eBook Signature yet.


  1. This is indeed a neat idea. Maybe twist the idea a little bit and file patent on it?

  2. Interesting! Too bad there is already a patent pending on it, I liked the idea. But I think the direction is correct: e-Something.

  3. Wow great idea for real!! yes, file a patent for it. i agree!

  4. I mean like Ruchi mentioned, change the idea a little bit and file a patent! :)
